Eric’s story

Image of Eric and his son

Eric’s story

told by his son, John

“My father asked us to apply for a place at Prince George, Duke of Kent Court in Chislehurst. My mother had dementia and my father kept on having falls at home, which meant the ambulance service would be frequently called out. Eventually, he called me and said it was the right time for them both to move into a care home. My father and I are freemasons so we knew about the RMBI care homes and actively supported them. This was our local home, so it was an easy decision.

We spoke to the Home Manager and someone from the RMBI visited my parents to assess their needs. A big room at the home had just become available, so we quickly filled in the paperwork and they moved in within a week – it was fantastic. There weren’t any difficulties with the application forms as they were all self-explanatory.

The staff are gentle and kind, and, following my mother’s death in the home, they have made space and encouraged my father to grieve mum’s death. My father is no longer able to provide for himself so his residence at the home provides us with considerable peace of mind.”

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