#wearetheMCF – Dilhani

#wearetheMCF – Dilhani

“I’m originally from Sri Lanka and before moving over here I worked as an accountant.

I joined the Relief Chest 17 years ago, initially managing the donations, but over the years I got back into the accounting side of things. I now do all the accounts for the scheme which I enjoy because I like working with numbers. When I first arrived, it was just a job like any other, but it soon struck me that what we do here changes lives. The difference that the donations we handle make to the lives of disadvantaged people is incredible.

I remember back in 2004, we raised millions of pounds to help people who had been affected by the tsunami in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Those donations did a lot to help rebuild schools and communities and that was very special to be a part of. I know that we are making a difference and that’s the reason I’ve stayed all this time.”


Relief Chest Manager

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