#wearetheMCF – Maggie

#wearetheMCF – Maggie

“It was through my work as a nurse and midwife that I became interested in better care for the elderly. After getting married and having children, we moved around a lot but eventually we settled in Surrey.

I spotted an advert for a job: ‘Manager wanted to open a new home for the RMBI’. Of course, back then I didn’t know what the RMBI (Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund) was or much about freemasonry, but I got the job managing Shannon Court anyway! After ten years I decided that I wanted something different, although I didn’t want to leave because I really believed in the charity. Fortunately, a job opened up managing the Advice & Support Team – there were only three of us back then – and I’ve been leading the team ever since.

Over time we continued to push what we were and what we could offer, and eventually expanded the team to 13 members, working right across the country. I love making a difference and I love working for an organisation that I’m proud of. We all work really hard and I enjoy seeing us succeed. I think we are really appreciated by the Provincial Grand Almoners, the rest of the MCF and the people we visit.”


Advice & Support Manager

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London