I spent a year as a Community Service Volunteer with Wandsworth social services, helping children, people with mental health problems and older people with dementia. One day I saw an advert for Age Concern Oxford. I looked at it and thought, that’s exactly who I want to work with. My first proper paid job was with Age Concern Westminster so I’ve been working on and off for Age Concern or Age UK for nearly 30 years now.
My grandfather was a freemason and what I knew about his masonic work was that he was very much involved in helping other members of the community. When we came to talk about our new partnership with freemasonry, it seemed really interesting and a natural fit. Through the MCF, freemasons have provided £1 million in funding for a three year programme which will help thousands of older people in 13 areas across England and Wales and, we hope, create a lasting legacy where freemasons are encouraged and empowered to keep on supporting older people.”
Chief Executive of Age UK