Build ever closer relationships with leaders from across Freemasonry to ensure our work is fully aligned with the aspirations of our donors
and supporters.
Achieved! We now meet regularly with leaders from Freemasonry to discuss shared strategic priorities and feedback on progress.
Develop donor-advised funds providing Freemasons and others with a free tax-efficient charitable giving tool.
Achieved! Individual Relief Chests (IRCs) are provided free of any administration fee or charge to Freemasons, their family and friends. IRCs enable the chest holder to accumulate funds tax-efficiently for charitable giving.
Enhance the support and guidance we offer to provincial fundraisers across England and Wales.
Achieved! We established a Charity Stewards’ Focus Group to identify the support and training needs of our key fundraisers. We have also registered with the Fundraising Regulator.
Streamline our procedures to make our grant-making more efficient and reduce the time we take to consider a request for help.
Work in progress. Some improvements were made but we know our processes can be developed further. Complex grants policy coupled with a high turnover of staff meant we were unable to reduce processing times as we had hoped. This will remain a key focus for the upcoming year.
Launch and embed our new values across the charity and recognise and reward examples of our values in action.
Achieved! Our values have been launched and are being measured. A number of initiatives, including a staff recognition scheme, have been created to bring them to life.
Revisit our goals to ensure they remain relevant and achievable, and measure our progress so we can identify areas of success and where we need to improve.
Partially achieved! We now have a Theory of Change and measurement framework in place for our grant-making programme for charities. We intend to do the same for our grants to families and individuals across 2019/20.
Develop a new approach to funding essential short breaks in the UK for families in need.
Achieved! We will be extending the pilot across England and Wales this year.
Identify experts in the charity sector with whom we will develop partnerships to deliver our support together.
Achieved! We have seen successful local projects delivered through our partnerships with Age UK and Hospice UK.
"The manner in which we deliver our life-changing support is equally, if not more important than the scale of our operations when it comes to making an impact.”
David Innes, Chief Executive