Working in partnership

…with Freemasons

We built upon our close working relationship with Freemasons
across England and Wales to identify local projects and charities
in need of additional support through the pandemic.

We launched three new funding streams:

Festival grants

Provinces – masonic boundaries similar to old counties – in an intensive five-year fundraising period known as a festival appeal, are now allocated additional funds to support local charities.

festival grants awarded totaling



Matched-funding grants

A Province making a donation locally can request for their donations to be matched-funded by the MCF, thereby doubling the total grant.

matched-funded grants awarded totaling



Regional group grants

All 48 Provinces came together in nine regional groups to help streamline and deliver support to communities in need. As a result of this partnership:

grants were made totaling

of which

went to supporting foodbanks or providing meals to local communities

funded local domestic abuse support services

was spent on purchasing or making essential PPE and other COVID-19-related equipment

was allocated to buying IT equipment such as tablets for hospital and care home residents to stay in touch with loved ones

…with RMBI Care Company

Last year, RMBI Care Co. was home to 860 residents of which

received additional financial support from the MCF.

In a year that saw an increased spotlight on care homes, we increased our annual funding to RMBI Care Co. by

taking our support to

helping to ensure the safety of staff, residents and visitors.

RMBI Care Co. built safe visiting booths to allow residents to continue safely seeing loved ones

…with Teddies for Loving Care.

Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) continued to operate throughout the country, providing teddies as a source of comfort to children in A&E units.

Although locally-led by Freemasons, we provide central support and guidance to the TLC programmes. After 20 successful years of operation, last year we worked on rebranding TLC, which helped drive interest and engagement in the programme and provided every Provincial TLC programme with new teddy bears, posters, flyers and logos to help promote the scheme.

TLC Buckinghamshire delivery teddies to a local A&E unit

Message from the Chairman and the Chief Executive

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Our year in brief - 2020/2021

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What we said we'd do in 2020/2021

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A spectrum of support

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Adapting our ways of working

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Working in partnership

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Celebrating five years as the Freemasons' charity

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How we helped your local community

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What do our beneficiaries think’

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Our plans for next year

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Money in, Money out

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About Freemasonry

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whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London