Our Impact 2019/20

The Freemasons' Charity

On behalf of Freemasonry, we have continued to build better lives in communities across England and Wales.

Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive

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Our year in brief – 2019/20

Our impact in nine numbers

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What we said we would do in 2019/2020

We worked hard to achieve the goals we set ourselves in our 2018/19 impact report

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Supporting Freemasons or their families

We want to make the greatest possible impact at a local level

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Supporting local and national charities

We continued to support the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society through our dedicated programmes

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How we helped your local community

Discover the grants we have awarded to individuals, families and charities in your local area

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What our beneficiaries said

Results from our third annual beneficiary survey

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Our plans for next year

We have set out our goals and aspirations for the year ahead

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Our income and expenditure

Our income comes from the generosity and efforts of Freemasons, their families and friends, past and present

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